(656) 618 6078 - (915) 603 4651 contact@firstalert.com
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Employee Safety

In addition to providing a secure environment during every shift that your employees work, you also face the challenge of having multiple vendors and contractors visit your sites at different times. We help you identify who’s legitimate and who’s not.

Emergency Alerts

Our intrusion solutions can detect unauthorized entry and/or provide panic or emergency alerts that are swiftly communicated to a central station and security personnel.

"One Card" Access

Our smart card technology is ideal for buildings with multiple entrances. Instead of numerous cards or ID badges that would normally be needed to access different sites, one card can be issued to employees and contractors.

Discreet Video Cameras

To ensure the safety of your employees, discreet vandal- proof cameras installed throughout your facility monitor line production during every shift and document possible OSHA violations to protect you against potential liabilities.

Wireless Security

Our wireless fire/heat and carbon monoxide sensors can protect your premises and personnel 24/7.