(656) 618 6078 - (915) 603 4651 contact@firstalert.com
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Hight Security

It starts with an understanding of who’s approaching and how, who’s entering and where, and who shouldn’t be doing either. Everyone and everything needs to be accounted for. From perimeter security to SCIFs, our integrated security solutions can be easily implemented across installations of any size.

Encrypted Protection

In addition to protecting open areas, private offices and secured areas on base, our Vindicator intrusion detection solutions offer redundant, encrypted protection to classified areas.

Protect Classified Areas

When you need to provide higher security in any SCIF, our state-of-the-art access control provides cost- effective standalone security to fully protect your most sensitive areas in any size facility.

Mission Critical Applications

Honeywell has created both standalone and integrated video surveillance solutions for customers just like you. From mission-critical sites across the world, ranging from small systems to large multi-site digital video recording systems, we can secure your every need.