(656) 618 6078 - (915) 603 4651 contact@firstalert.com
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Inventory Management

With Honeywell technology helping you shoulder the burden of inventory management, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing your merchandise is properly managed and your bottom line stays in the black.

Restrict Access

Our integrated access control systems help you protect stock rooms and storage closets. We give you the flexibility to program and manage your system using an IP-based web browser from any PC.

Protect Assets Wirelessly

Our wireless asset protection devices guard against theft of computers, equipment and other valuable objects in offices or other areas. They send alerts to your computer or other mobile device to give you the information you need to act quickly.

Scan Wirelessly

Our area-imaging scanners decode virtually all standard 1D and 2D bar codes, and are ideal for inventory management. We offer mobile computers with or without software applications that incorporate wireless technology, allowing real-time updates to inventory management systems.

Watch Merchandise

Video surveillance can help you fight shrinkage. Honeywell’s indoor and outdoor cameras keep a watchful eye on your goods, serve as a deterrent, and identify those who attemptto steal.