(656) 618 6078 - (915) 603 4651 contact@firstalert.com
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Mobile Student Identification

Because your need for identity management goes beyond the buildings on your campus, our mobile devices read ID cards and grant access to individuals as they get on a bus or enter a gate to participate in school events—on or off campus.

Verify Students IDs

Pro-Watch Mobile connects to your central Pro-Watch security management system to give you the flexibility to scan IDs—so you can verify identification for students, teachers and visitors at school functions off campus.

Electronic Ticketing

Our area-imaging scanners are capable of scanning electronic tickets directly from mobile devices such as cell phones, ensuring that you benefit from the latest advancements in the field of ticketing.

Special Event Ticketing

Our bar code scanners and mobile computers can shorten the queue at special events by increasing the speed of checking tickets at the gate and can confirm the validity of each ticket to help you make sure guests don’t use counterfeit tickets.