(656) 618 6078 - (915) 603 4651 contact@firstalert.com
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Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems

Security officials at airports around the world turn to Honeywell to deliver powerful intrusion detection systems that secure their site perimeters, provide electronic access control, and supply integrated video assessment solutions for unmatched site protection.

Monitor Public Areas

In addition to providing cost-saving security solutions for protecting retail areas, private offices and secured areas within the facility, Honeywell’s intrusion detection solutions provide panic and emergency monitoring for concession and public service counters.

Track and manage People

Honeywell’s security systems maximize your investment in sophisticated security management and perimeter protection by providing a simple and effective way to register, badge, track and manage employees, contractors and vendors.

Visually Assess Threats

Our long range, high resolution and thermal imaging products provide a visual assessment that can help determine whether a target is a potential problem and whether resources should be deployed.